Am I deleting my Blog?

written on Tuesday 24 May 2016 @ 18:31 ♡

I thought about this a lot lately. I decided to revamp my blog (again). As much as I enjoy writing about my day or ranting about people I don't like, I think I need to move on.

First I thought I'd just delete everything, get a new domain, start from scratch. But then I realised that I don't want to lose all the contacts I made as Ran and with this page. So I'll probably just make this blogspot account private and do something else instead, using my current domain.

I want a blog where I don't have to hide my identity, where I write posts that matter and maybe even change people's lives. As you might know, I discovered veganism a few months ago and ever since then I wanted to post recipes and informative posts about this topic. I want something that I can show people when I'm applying for a job (since I want to change from studying law to media).

Recently I found myself fascinated with how professional and clean most WordPress themes look. I'm in love with sjaejones, a decent daydream and shayneblogs layouts atm and I'm also considering to use Soledad since it seems to be easy customizable and quite popular.

I'm a little hesistant though, since I feel like I'm going to miss coding my own layouts. I won't be able to do that anymore with WordPress because I literally know nothing about php HA! .............. I'll probably still offer Blogger and Tumblr skins to compensate for that.

As always; when I'm done with my "new" blog, my affiliates won't have to change my link or anything. If anyone doensn't like my change of plans they can always remove my link and I'll do the same with your link.


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